pvc pe garden hose reel machine fiber reinforced hose extrusion machine 1927102181331435485-blid-4801798326375116246

สาวโพสต์ เต่าน้อยมาให้โชค กระดองยังนิ่มอยู่เลย โรยแป้งดู เห็นเลขชัดแจ๋ว


v: - L/D=38 single screw extruder, double mixer and barrier screw, which can  ensure 100% plasticization before going into die.           - High extrusion capacity, low temperature of melt, equal temperature of mwide processing range of raw material           - Spiral groove on feeding part, which incerase 30% of productivity.           - SIEMENS PLC control system. german technology. high degree of automation
